Celery Juice Benefits -Powerful, anti-inflammatory food -Alkalizes gut -Contains enzymes that help strengthen digestion -Increases hydrochloric acid in stomach -Hydrates body on cellular level -Rich in bioactive sodium and trace mineral salts -Special compounds help celery act as diuretic and reduce bloating Best way to get benefits from celery: drink fresh celery juice on an empty stomach. Nutrition Data (1 cup chopped raw celery (about 101 grams) contains approximately: 14 calories 3g carb 0.7 g protein 0.2 g fat 1.6 g fiber 29.6 mg vitamin K (37% DV) 453 iu vitamin A (9% DV) 36.5 mg folate (9% DV) 263 mg potassium (8% DV) 3.1 mg vitamin C (5% DV) 0.1 mg manganese (5% DV) 0.1 mg vitamin B6 (4% DV) 40.4 mg calcium (4% DV) 0.1 mg riboflavin (3% DV) 11.1 mg magnesium (3% DV) Storage: Store dry celery, wrapped in paper towel. Remains fresh for 5-7 days at most.